Monday, March 23, 2009

Stressed, frustrated.... Peace!!

Hey everyone!!
I just thought I would share a little of what has been going on with me.
These past couple of days I had been stressed out for multiple reasons. One of the reasons is that I am in the process of getting everything I need into the public school for next year. I had to give them my 9th grade report card so they could see how many credits I have, but they won't give me credits for homeschooling (I'm homeschooling 10th grade), so I just had to go with the credits they gave me for my 9th grade year. I had to have 10 credits in order to be a junior in high school next year (11th grade). So I got the results back and I had 8 credits which is really good!!
I still need to get 2 more credits though which will require either testing out of some class, or going to summer school, or also do a credit recovery class during the school year. I had just been completely frustrated about what to do or if I would even be able to get those credits I need.
Yesterday at church Pastor Phil talked about how God fights for and with us and that there is nothing that is to big for him. I just felt that I needed to give all my stress, frustrations and emotions over to God because he is in control of everything. After I did that and trusted 100% that God was going to take care of everything... I felt an incredible peace!!
Philippians 4:7 says "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
I just wanted to share this because I know all of us have a point in our lives where we get so stressed out, and worried, but God gives us peace just like Philippians 4:7 says! So remember that whatever you're going through God is in control!!
Until next time!

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