Chris had the privilege to accompany Jessica back to the Children's home in Oaxaca. If there was any doubt about the children missing her it was quickly dismissed! She was welcomed back with open arms, lots of hugs and laughter. She picked up where she left off last winter. I think she will have a great time for the next three months.
While in Oaxaca, Chris traveled into the Mixe region with our people who work there. This area is still very resistant to the gospel but he was surprised to find several large churches. In one community of about 5000 over 80% are Christian! This is a radical change from 20 years ago when they threw Christians out of the community or they killed them.
Chris is looking forward to returning to this area in early June. He always feels humbled to be able to see what God is doing in many areas around the world. It is an exciting time to be involved in sharing the good news with those who have never heard.
Thank you for your prayers and support. We know you are with us and are standing with us and we are grateful for that.